Gobsmacking Gildas, Tasty Tapas in Ten Seconds

Listen carefully, I’m going to teach you a magic trick that will wow your friends and have your taste buds calling for an encore.

The secret was passed on to me by London Chef Tom Ryalls whilst he was demonstrating the art of Moro cookery in Las Alpujarras.

It is simple in the extreme and you need no culinary skills whatsoever to be able to reproduce it.

Step One: Setting the scene
All you need is a jar of small pickled onions, pickled guindilla chillies, green olives (pitted), anchovies and some cocktails sticks.

Step Two: Creating Tasty Tapas in Ten Seconds
Pierce the fat end of the chilli with the cocktails stick; thread the pickled onion on to the stick and then envelope with the thin end of the chilli. Next spear the anchovy at one end, skewer the olive and fold the other end of the anchovy to be held in place by the stick.

Hey Presto, you have created a Gilda in seconds. But now for the real magic.

Spanish Gildas Recipe

Step Three: Magic in the Mouth
Wrap your teeth around the stick and pull the lot into your mouth at the one time, then eat it and weep.

What does it taste like? Does the chilli blow your head off? Suppose you don’t like olives?

I’m not going to answer any of these, save for the olive one – Andy doesn’t like olives but she eats Gildas.

Your just going to have to take a leap of faith and try it. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed… it’s a kind of magic.

Buzz Trips Fact File: We don’t know why these mini pinchos are called Gildas except that it is after a woman. Whether that woman was Rita Hayworth and her long black gloves who knows – certainly tasty enough to fit the bill.


Jack is co-owner, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites plus lots of other things. Follow Jack on Google+

About Jack 799 Articles
Jack is co-editor, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites as well as a Slow Travel consultant and a contributor to online travel sites and travel magazines. Follow Jack on Facebook for more travel photos and snippets.

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