The Sweet & Colourful Temps de Flors Flower Festival in Girona

Temps de Flors

The woman’s bra was so large that it could have doubled as a festival tent (with two rooms obviously)…and don’t ask about the size of her pants. The owner of the brilliantly white underwear billowing in the gentle breeze was clearly a woman of ample proportions and then some. I checked the position of the sun and focussed my camera on her over-sized drawers.

I realise that opening paragraph might sound a bit voyeuristic but – and I’m going to regret writing this –  everybody was into photographing bloomers as we were enjoying Girona’s very colourful and sweet smelling festival, the Temps de Flors (Flower Time).

The festival began life back in 1955 as a humble floral display in the Iglesia de San Félix de Girona arranged by the women’s arm of a political party. In the mid 90s Girona’s council had the inspirational idea of making it a city-wide event. It was an enormous success and captured the imagination of residents and visitors.

This year’s Temps de Flors festival saw 116 vibrant and imaginative displays in courtyards, houses, plazas and gardens around the old quarter of Girona. Here are a few photos of some of the displays that rang my bell.

Buzz Trips Fact File: 2015 dates have yet to be confirmed for the Temps de Flors but it it is likely to be in the first half of May. For more information about the Temps de Flors check out the official website here and if you’d like to see more pics of the festival have a look at our Temps de Flors Flickr slideshow.

Buzztrips was a guest of Visit Costa Brava at the Temps de Flors

Jack is co-owner, writer and photographer for BuzzTrips and the Real Tenerife series of travel websites as well as a contributor to lots of other places. Follow Jack on Google+

About Jack 802 Articles
Jack is an author, travel writer, and photographer as well as a Slow Travel consultant who creates rural and urban walking routes around Europe. Follow Jack on Facebook for more travel photos and snippets.

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