Where to go warm winter walking in Europe
This is the time of year when there are regular travel articles about warm winter walking. Generally they’ll feature the same handful of locations. […]
This is the time of year when there are regular travel articles about warm winter walking. Generally they’ll feature the same handful of locations. […]
Is there a law which says if we want to be considered discerning travellers we should only eat what is considered ‘local food’ whenever we visit a destination? […]
On occasions, the mode of transport that we’ve used to get to a destination has added a tasty dollop of exotic spiciness and adventure to the whole experience. These have been some of our favourite ways to arrive at a destination. […]
Entering the Dalí Theatre-Museum is akin to stepping through the doors of the artistic equivalent of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory… […]
We’ve chosen the perfect day for our flight. The wind is light, the sky a cloudless expanse of blue, borrowed and intensified by the surface of the Balearic Sea which spills its colour onto the shore of Roses beach as we fly overhead… […]
When it comes to stunning settings, Besalú steals a march on most. Not only is the medieval town sited amidst Constable-esque countryside on the banks of the Fluvia River, but its main access is via a magnificent, 12th century, Romanesque bridge… […]
…from the moment we enter the small room and Antoni Pitxot introduces us to Edward James, the stuffed, white Polar Bear decked in necklaces in whose right paw the table lamp that lights the hallway is held aloft… […]
Our voyage on this lovely looking sail boat is taking us along the Costa Brava coast from Palamòs to Tamariu for a special lunch date, skirting an undulating coastline whose beauty must distract the eye of even the most experienced sailor. […]
A bottle of wine sighs on the table and a rich stew bubbles on the hob, sending legions in aroma form to tease a restless army that’s eager to launch an attack and reduce it to a memory… […]
Two things strike you when see the pez de San Pedro in fish markets in Costa Brava. The first is that as fish go, he’s a real loser in the looks department. This is one ugly fish… […]
“Before the olives, the mountains were covered with grapes”, says Rafa Martín, “This is what our grandparents did. We want to restore the mountains to the way they were when our grandparents worked them and to make the wine that was here before.” […]
Ferran Adriá approaches the chef in front of me. He inserts the tip of a pair of tweezers into what looks like a miniature uncooked egg with a pea instead of yolk. He tastes it, says something to the chef and smiles. I feel relieved on the chef’s behalf. […]
Thanks to Islandmomma for nominating Buzz Trips to take part in the My 7 Links travel blogging initiative. I love the categories – nice and meaty – and they got the grey cells working overtime… […]
This is a photograph of a couple of old guys preparing to embark on a fishing trip from the harbour of a Spanish seaside resort right? No…wrong, this is actually a picture of a hotel which should have the imagination of avid readers well and truly captured. […]
It’s been bothering me ever since the phrase ‘El Celler de Can Roca has been voted the world’s second best restaurant in the S.Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2011’ first reached my ears across the twittersphere. I mean, who in their right mind wants to be known as the second best anything? […]
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