Piran, Slovenia

24 hours in Piran

As first-time visitors to Piran, what immediately struck us was how it felt more Italian than the towns we’d passed through/stayed in during our travels around Slovenia. […]


Six of the Best of Chania

Somewhere between the White Mountains and the blue of the Cretan Sea resides an enchantress, so claims the official tourism website in rather evocative fashion. We wouldn’t disagree, which is why we’re sharing our pick of six of the best of Chania. […]


If you go to Calatayud, ask for Dolores

Intriguing earthy, red-brick spires and towers almost camouflaged against a matching rock-face catch our eyes as we shoot past at 120kph. The town, mostly hidden in a gully, has been little more than glimpsed. But it’s enough of a taster to have me commenting “that looks like an interesting place” […]


Spellbound in the Logar Valley in Slovenia

We change into light walking clothes and head deep into a glacial valley renowned for its beauty in a country where scenic splendour comes as standard. It is completely enclosed by mountains – on two sides are conifer-clad slopes, behind us are high meadows, ahead tower the saw-toothed peaks of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. […]